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Sailing Alone Across an Ocean on a 30ft Sailboat and Losing the Rudder 1... Been diving deep into learning, been thinking about applying to learn about boat making, and start from the ground up... might be a couple years of work in USA here before being able to become fully competent in sailing... Part of the goal!!!

Plus studio inside for music productions on the go for while touring etc. - HEAVEN'S UP! ;) Glad to see my friend is into sailing, asked the universe, and universe answered.

Thinking of you Theodore... Curious if he would be into sailing as a fire sign. I don't even know if he is left handed or right handed yet. He is now 7 yrs old. :)

This video is an explanation of what he had to do be able to stear his boat after loosing the rudder. /Grateful - J Te Amo



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